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About IndoAustay

IndoAustay programs are the product of much preparation and thought by volunteer members of the Australian Indonesian Association of Victoria (AIAV). Our programs have been running successfully for more than 15 years helping both students and adult learners alike benefit from the in-country experience.

‘For those contemplating participating in an exchange, I say JUST DO IT! You’ll make some awesome new friends, experience interesting new things, and at the same time totally get ahead with your Indonesian skills – I don’t think there is a better way to spend the holidays!’

IndoAustay Ltd is a volunteer-run not-for-profit public company limited by guarantee of its members, the Australian Indonesian Association of Victoria Inc. (AIAV) and the Australia Indonesia Association of New South Wales (AIA NSW). IndoAustay runs cultural and language exchanges for students between Indonesia and Australia, two such six-week secondary school student exchanges occurring each year through our partnership with the Language Centre at the University Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) in Bandung.

IndoAustay also offers fortnight-long intensive Indonesian language Immersion Programs for school students and for adults, using a combined classroom and in-field learning experience. As with IndoAustay Exchange Programs, participants in these immersion programs include a component accommodated with local families in a home-stay arrangement. IndoAustay Immersion Programs also occur through our partnership with the Language Centre at the University Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) in Bandung, along with our partnership with the Universitas Muhammadiyah Solo (UMS) in Surakarta. 


Incorporated in 2008, the Company is approved by the Victorian Registration & Qualifications Authority (VRQA) as an Overseas Secondary School Exchange Organization (OSSEO).

Our Mission
Indonesian school

Our Vision

Cultural understanding, language development and relationships.

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